Strange BUT Untrue


(or "Chemistry" for the unenlightened)

You may have visited your local Pharmacy and thought: there's nothing very sciency in here! That's because Chemist's shops (where the science got it's other name) are tame places, where all the exciting bubbly chemicals and explosive stuff has been tamed so it can go into the human body without mutilating the insides too much. But behind the smiling face of the man who mixes up your cough medicine is a mad scientist just waiting to get out. When he gets home, he goes down into his underground lab giggling insanely, and all that can be heard for the rest of the evening is strange chemical noises and more mad laughter.

Strange BUT Untrue wants to take you into that dark basement laboratory, and do horrible experiments on y....ahem! and show you what goes on there. We'll show you how every mad scientist needs his Bubbly Liquids, where to find the smallest particles in the universe and How to Sort Out All The Substances in the World, If Only You Had The Time Between Work And A Social Life.

Just click the topics below for more 100% guaranteed lies:

Make your own set of Bubbly Liquids

Really Small Stuff

Making Things Go Bang

How to Sort Out All The Substances in the World, If Only You Had The Time Between Work And A Social Life (or, Telling Stuff from Other Stuff)

Alchemy (or, How to Get Rich Really Slow)

Main Science Page